
The fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will be hosted by China and held in Kunming, China, in November 2020. As part of the preparations for this meeting, the COMIX (Commission Mixte Scientifique et Technique Franco-Chinoise), during its 14th session in February 2019, decided to organize a kick-off symposium on the theme of Biodiversity and Environment, to be held in Beijing on 4-5 November 2019.

This symposium will also reinforce the existing scientific collaborations between French and Chinese researchers and allow the identification of new emerging topics on the theme of Biodiversity and Environment.

The objective of the seminar is to take an overview of French-Chinese scientific cooperation in the field of the environment, to strengthen existing collaborations and the joint research structures concerned, and to identify new opportunities for cooperation.
The seminar will also give visibility and open new perspectives to French-Chinese scientific cooperation in the field of biodiversity, one year before the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) on biodiversity in China is to be held in Kunming in November 2020.
Finally, the seminar could be the closing event of the French-Chinese Environment Month (MFCE) organized by the French Embassy in China.

French part: CNRS (French National Scientific Research Institute) and French Embassy in China, Beijing.
Chinese part: MoST: Ministry of Sciences and Technology in China

Monday 4th November 8h45-12h30: Biodiversity and Global Change

  • Impacts of climate change on biodiversity based on long-term series
  • Physiological adaptations of wild animals to climate change as a source of biomedical innovation
  • Deep sea hydrothermal vents : biodiversity and adaptation to extreme conditions
  • Figs and figwasps: model system to investigate biotic interaction network responses to global change
  • Microbial food web: functional dynamics at the single cell level
  • The central role of Museum collections and Botanical gardens in research on Biodiversity
  • The value of long term observations and experimentations to tackle the effects of major environmental changes on biodiversity
  • SOFIE: the Sino-French Virtual Institute for Earth System Science

Monday 4th November 14h00-17h20 Critical zone - soil functioning

  • Introduction to the session
  • OZCAR : the French Research Infrastructure of the Critical zone
  • Landscape Dynamics and Transport Properties: a journey through scales
  • Weathering rate determination : implication of the analysis of Chinese and French granitic weathering profiles
  • Tracking groundwater availability for human and ecosystems from space
  • Chinese-French cooperation on environmental mercury pollution issues
  • Microbial ecology in mining ecosystems
  • Trace metal cycling in the rhizosphere-drilosphere. Implications for the phytoremediation of contaminated soils
  • Multi-scale Paleogene and Neogene climatic evolution linked to the formation of the Tibetan plateau: insights from continental sedimentary records
  • Influence of Three Gorges Dam impoundment on sediment source-to-sink and weathering processes in the mid-lower Changjiang (Yangtze) River catchment

Tuesday 5th November 8h45-11h00 EcoHealth

  • Connecting the health of humans, animals and ecosystems: The One Health approach.
  • Ecosystem health and environmental disease ecology: 25 years of Sino-French cooperation
  • Transmission and evolution of honeybee viruses between honeybees and their hornet predators
  • Can wildlife conservation and ecotourism be conciliated? Lessons from the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) in the Xiangguqing valley
  • Urban Quality Monitoring with Remote Sensing
  • AirBioHealth project: Comparative study of biological aerosol communities and their effects on health between Paris and Beijing

To attend the seminar, you have to be registered. Please fill up the form and send an e-mail to science.pekin-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Dead line : evening of the 28th of octobrer

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you will only be registered when you will receive a registration confirmation

Place :
Xiyuan Hotel Beijing
1 Sanlihe Rd, Haidian District, Pékin Chine (北京 海淀区 三里河路1号).

最新修改 28/08/2020
